The prophetic dream through the continents
Aleksandra Artstyle
Now you're getting it...
I woke up from these words in a state of euphoria in Alaska, and as it turned out, the dream was interrupted by this phrase not only for me.
On the other side of the planet in Crimea in a dream Mom said the same words very tall, extraordinary man, and maybe not a man it was in all ...
He led each of us through the darkness and showed how perfect the world can be when man lives in harmony with nature.
The light beckoned with its mystery, the sea merged with the sky and against the background of the bright sun in the jump flickered magical beauty of the dolphin ...
But the main thing was not even seen, and what was happening inside at that moment.
We were one with nature, and we are one. Peace and flow, light and joy!
"Now you understand," said the man. And my mother and I woke up on different continents from the same dream, in the same state of happiness.
Do you understand?
Aleksandra Artstyle
Interior oil paintings.
I take part in exhibitions.
There is experience in the art of body - art.
I like to discover new cities and countries.
Paints on canvas, what I see, feel, think.