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Larisa Sabitova



Winds of fate. They accompany every person throughout his life. They can be kind, helping to move forward. And sometimes they turn into a real hurricane, sweeping away everything in its path. And we must not break under such winds, survive and continue to move towards the goal. My motto in life: "Do what you must, and come what may." (Marcus Aurelius).
And this is what my painting “Winds of Fate” describes.

Larisa Sabitova lives in Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan. She studied with Tatyana Artykova, textured painting with Lyudmila Lipovskaya and Kristina Brilkova.
Larisa's work is multifaceted, she creates both realistic works and abstractions, she knows how to work with both bright colors and calm ones. Participant of international exhibitions, member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

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