Beauty melts the ice

Canvas on stretcher, acrylic, varnish, texture paste, varnish, gold powder
If I followed you like into battle, stood at the top like a drunken man, -
So, as if you were relying on yourself, rely on him. The panoramic view of the misty, beautiful distance is mesmerizing and melts the ice in relationships. People climbed the mountain, the guy took the girl by the hand to support her, taking care of her. View from afar, beautiful panoramic view, spring in the mountains, camellia and adonis vernal bloom in the foreground
IREN TROI. Artist from Russia.
Inspires to draw unfinished forms to give the viewer room for imagination. My work is about what surrounds me and what I think about. Futurism and impressionism are close to me, but not in all my works; I’m still searching for myself. I am inspired by silhouettes, reflections, contrasts, when I draw someone who is not posing, but as if caught by surprise. I believe that through art practice I will achieve personal integrity, and so will the audience