Journey Beyond the Chasm

Texture paste, natural stone, acrylic
Aleksandra Svetlichnaya
In the cold currents of universal energy, a touch of warmth is guided by the cosmic laws of perpetual motion. My painting, adorned with small pearly-colored pebbles features lone birds navigating the chasm. I explore themes of restrictions, the art of societal existence, and the crucial importance of nurturing kindness. This kindness holds the power to thaw any barrier, fostering connections within the cosmic void of existence. The essence lies in dedicating art to societal harmony and the transformative influence of kindness, capable of melting the coldest ice.
Born in a small town in the middle of the southern Russian steppe. Graduated from an art school, led by locally renowned artist Elena Susina. Studied in the field of Graphic Design and later graduated from the Moscow Academy of Professional competencies with a degree as a Teacher of Fine Arts and Design. I am proud to have been recognized as a prize winner in Competitions in Spain and the UK.