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Mysterious Forest


primed cardboard, texture paste, acrylic






Olga Zar

For the introverted individual accustomed to a set rhythm of life, the prospect of sudden change, of embarking on new endeavors, or engaging with strangers can be daunting.
Mysterious Forest serves as a metaphor for life, where the impenetrable thickets represent the fears, complexes, and doubts that obstruct one's path. But, light piercing through the dark tangle of branches signifies the possibility of a brighter future for those ready to take the first step towards change.

The artist from St. Petersburg, Russia.
In 1997, she graduated from the Luzhskaya Art School.
After graduating from a technical university, she tied her life to science for many years. Accumulating creative energy for over 15 years, she plunged back into the art world at the age of 40.
Olga works in both figurative and abstract painting. She uses acrylics, oils, watercolors and inks, employing various techniques and experimenting with creating voluminous works.

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