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Sea Storm


MDF, acrylic paint






Anna Sabelfeld

A storm, a tempest, a gale, a whirlwind in my painting displays a great flood of information that comes over you or crushes you like a great wave. Often you are left alone or under the power of this storm. What can set you on the right path? Art. It can guide you like flashes of light.
What is the point of art? To show people and remind them of eternal values like beauty, kindness, love. To unite. To help focus on what is important and remove unnecessary noise.
In my paintings I strive to portray joy, hope, a sense of excitement and happiness.

I was born in St. Petersburg in 1994 and currently live in Nuremberg, Germany. In 2021 I started classes with the artist from St. Petersburg Natalia Kremneva who specializes in abstract painting and impressionism. Already after the first lessons of painting I realized that it is my life's work.
Since 2022 I am member of international club for artists (ASM).
In 2023 I organized in Nuremberg my first personal exhibition.
Currently I have private commissions and organize workshops.

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